The E3-Brazil model is a tool designed specifically to assess economic and environmental policy in Brazil. The model was built in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance in Brazil and applied to assess the economic and labour market implications of Environmental Tax Reform.
The model’s historical database is constructed from official national data (in reais) and the econometric equations are estimated from these data. The baseline projections out to 2035 may be modified to be in line with national forecasts.
E3-Brazil was originally designed to assess the economic and labour market impacts of Environmental Tax Reform. However, it can be used to assess a range of other economic and environmental measures, including fiscal policy, energy efficiency and renewable electricity generation. Standard outputs from the model include employment, GDP, prices and trade.
The model may be accessed through Cambridge Econometrics’ standard interface and we have experimented with online versions. It is a tool designed to be useful for both researchers and policy makers in Brazil.